首页(2021改版)(2)中欧超声心动图继续教育巡讲2023年中意ALS大会中欧ALS病例魔方中欧渐冻症病例魔方第一章第二章第三章第四章第五章第六章第七章第八章第九章第十章中欧心动图继续教育第一节课程第三节课程第五节课程第六节课程第九节课程第十节课程第十一节课程第十三节课程第十四节课程瑞莫杜林患者教育视频第七节课程第五届肺动脉高压高峰论坛肺高血压继续教育第一节课程第二节课程第三节课程第四节课程第五节课程第六节课程第七节课程第八节课程第九节课程第十节课程第十一节课程第十二节课程心力衰竭继续教育第一课第二课第三课第四课第五课新冠疫情带来的心理影响李氏大药厂控股有限公司曲唑酮上市研讨会抑郁症伴失眠症状的治疗专场抑郁障碍伴失眠的管理专场突发公共事件中精神压力对脑健康的影响专场青少年抑郁的特征与转归专场《中国睡眠障碍综合防治指南》解读专场失眠、抑郁及躯体疾病的关系专场失眠及抑郁药物治疗策略专场老年人的失眠与抑郁专场睡眠—觉醒的机制专场抑郁障碍与睡眠障碍专场规范同治。安眠有“李”曲唑酮在睡眠障碍上的最新研究进展(一)曲唑酮在睡眠障碍上的最新研究进展(二)抑郁及睡眠医学教育项目Matrix项目——多科室病例魔方Video妇儿继续教育项目1妇儿继续教育项目尿素循环障碍教育视频第一届中欧心脏病学前沿论坛第二届中欧心脏病学前沿论坛中欧心脏病学前沿论坛中欧妇科学前沿论坛2022年脑心联盟俱乐部教育项目Breaking News阿齐沙坦布累迪宁在肾病的应用肾移植指南共识肾移植供体选择布累迪宁产科儿科妇科内分泌科肾内科消化内科外科围手术期心内科肿瘤科其他菲普利盖世龙ICUTPN丙戊酸毒性儿科肝病基础研究老年科男科内分泌科其他肾内及血透科心内科心衰合并肾衰心外科药学相关孕产科肿瘤科FDA左卡尼汀说明书相关参考文献NKF-KDOQI指南推荐可益能DICDVT和PTEICU儿科妇产科骨科呼吸内科泌尿外科普外科其他烧伤科神经外科神内科肾内科生殖消化科心内科肿瘤科立迈青利鲁唑机制临床研究循证医学证据指南共识综述迈通诺普卢利沙星失眠(含共病)抑郁焦虑曲唑酮锐思力白内障术后除眼表外眼科手术术后干眼角膜上皮损伤睑板腺功能障碍角膜塑形镜角膜移植其它眼表手术术后翼状胬肉术后准分子术后睿保特速乐涓尤靖安再宁平左卡尼汀口服溶液馥霖安芮旎爾瑞本钠平立畅青益生菌心胸外科新生儿科INOMAX的无创应用指南共识INOMAX速乐涓专家共识城市巡讲会

由扩张型心肌病引起的心衰患者三年期存活率和左卡尼汀补充 Three-year survival of patients with heart failure and L-carnitine admin

We examined the efficacy of long-term L-carnitine administration for the treatment of heart failure caused by dilated car-diomyopathy in adult patients. To accomplish this, we studied 80 patients with moderate to severe heart failure (New York Heart Association classification III to IV) caused by dilated cordiomyopathy. 7his article reports on the nearly 3 years of fol-low-up data on patient mortality. Primary results will be published in the future. After a period of stable cardiac function up to 3 months, patients were randomly assigned to receive either L-carnitine (2 g/d orally) or placebo. There were no statisti-cal differences between the 2 groups at baseline examination in clinical and hemodynamic parameters, such as ejection fraction, Weber classification, maximal time of cardiopulmonary exercise test, peak VOy consumption, arterial and pul-monary blood pressure, and cardiac output. After a mean of 33.7 1 1 1.8 months of follow-up (range 10 to 54 months),70 patients were in the study: 33 in the placebo group and 37 in the L-carnifine group. At the time of analysis, 63 patients were alive. There were 6 deaths in the placebo group and 1 death in the L-carnitine group. Survival analysis with the Kaplan-Meier method showed that patients' survival was statistically significant (P<.04) in favor of the L-carnitine group.L-cornitine appears to possess considerable potential for the long term treatment of patients with heart failure attributable to dilated cardiomyopathy. (Am Heart) 2000;139:S120-S123.)




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